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ARIDO The Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario

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Setup Wavlink AC1200 Extender On The App

The Wavlink smart WiFi app is the portal that you can use to do the Wavlink AC1200 setup and monitor the network also. Though the Wavlink app is easily accessible on your device from its official app store, whether that is an Android mobile or iOS device. To get that, open the device’s official app store and search for the Wavlink app there. Soon, a list of several apps will appear on the device’s screen, choose the latest and official app and install it. After installing the app, open it and allow its terms and conditions to access the next page. As you reach out to the next window, log in there by using the default username and password. Insert them into the right fields and click on the login button later. From the next page, do the setup by applying the app screen directions in an appropriate way. 

Wavlink AC1200 setup.

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