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Solomon Software

Microsoft Dynamics SL is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution designed for project-based businesses. It provides financial management, project management, accounting, and business intelligence capabilities to help companies manage their projects and finances.
Solomon Software offers features such as project accounting, time and expense tracking, budgeting and forecasting, job costing, and resource allocation. It can also integrate with other Microsoft products such as Excel, Word, and Outlook.
The Solomon Accounting software is typically used by businesses in industries such as construction, engineering, government contracting, and professional services. It is known for its scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to customize the software to meet their specific needs.
Microsoft Dynamics Solomon was initially released in 1984 by the company Solomon Software. In 2000, Microsoft acquired Solomon Software and rebranded the product as Microsoft Dynamics SL. The latest version of the software is Dynamics SL 2018
Microsoft provides Dynamics SL support through its Microsoft Dynamics Support Center. Customers can access support resources such as articles, videos, forums, and a knowledge base on the Microsoft website.
In addition, customers with active Dynamics SL software assurance can receive technical support from Microsoft's product support team through phone and online channels. The support team can assist with issues related to installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Customers can also purchase Premier Dynamics SL Support services, which provide additional support resources and faster response times for critical issues. Premier Support includes access to a dedicated technical account manager, proactive services, and customized support plans.
Microsoft Dynamics SL partner also offer support services to customers, including implementation, customization, training, and ongoing technical support. These partners are certified by Microsoft and have expertise in Dynamics SL and related technologies.


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